30 May 2015

Eva's Superheroes

There has been a great presence of superheros in our house recently.  We have  been reading about them, building them out of legos, and drawing them.  So Eva, who looks for any opportunity to use the ipad, has been using observational drawing to create her representation of the superhero.  Here is some of her art.


13 May 2015

Good Guys and Bad Guys in the Bathtub

Dylan has been obsessed with "good guys" and "bad guys."  This theme is woven into Dylan's play all day. 

Superhéroes, pirates, trucks, princesses...no matter what he is playing with there is always good and bad.

So why should the bathtub be different?  As I checked on him this evening, I entered and he had all pirates stuck to the walls. 

"Mommy, the good piratas are over here, but the bad ones are on this side.  Mommy, they are going to hit the bad guys with a tree.  Watch!"

And wow.  Those naughty pirates had it coming.   

09 May 2015

Checking on Zebras

Last night, like almost every Friday, we have movie night.  We are all usually exhausted from running all week and getting up at the crack of dawn.

We watched Jumanji.  I love this movie, and so do the niños.  The last time we watched it, we were at the beach.  So it kind of brought back some nice summer memories, just as summer this year, is beginning.

But this time, at the end of the movie, Dylan inexplicably began crying.  I was holding him at the time, as Eva was snuggled up with her Daddy, and I couldn't imagine what was wrong with him.

"Mommy," he sobbed.  "The zebras all got sucked up into the book.  But they're so cute.  Now they are in the book!"

I tried to rationally explain about how it's not real, blah, blah, blah.  This wasn't going to cut it.  Someone was really overtired.

"Dylan," I asked, "Would you feel better if we went to check on the zebras tomorrow?  I can show you that they are safe and still ok."

"Yes, Mommy."

And so this morning, the first words out of his mouth:  "Mommy, are we still going to see the zebras today?"

One day I will miss this.

Eva getting dressed for the zoo