16 March 2015

The Little Green Men

Eva came home from school yesterday, all excited. 

"Mommy, Jacob. K says you have to set a trap to catch a leprechaun.  And he says they like chocolate."

I thought, "I don't know Eva.  We're Polish.  I have never tried to catch a leprechaun before."

"Well Mommy, we can make a trap in the living room and in the sotano and in your room-"

"What would you do if you caught one?"  I asked.

She thought about it for a minute.  "Well he would give me gold."

So before I knew it, Eva, Dylan and I were creating a trap for the leprechaun.

It was ultra-sophisticated consisting of a laundry basket propped up by a fireplace log.

Under it, the ninos placed lace (?), chocolate kisses, and Dylan donated a chocolate coin. 


I woke Eva up the next morning, yelling at her for setting the trap.  The entire house was trashed.  Cupboards open, spilling out onto the floor.  Towels and clothes thrown all over the place.  Shelves ransacked and thrown everywhere.  The dog was green.  There was toilet paper all over the house.

"Eva!  What did you do?!!!"

Eva found it hysterical.  She was cracking herself up and couldn't believe all the mayhem the leprechaun created. 

The trap was down, but there was no leprechaun underneath.  There was a small gap, where he must have escaped and then went into his fit of rage.

Dylan had a slightly different reaction.  He burst into tears.  Granted, it was 6Am, but he was upset that the leprechaun took his gold coin before he left.

Later that day, I picked the ninos up from school.  Holy hell broke loose all through the school as well.  I have never seen Dylan so animated.
Really Leprechaun?

"Mommy!  I have to tell you 5 things!  The enano put all the chairs up on the tables, he put glitter on the circle rug, he put glitter on the tables, he made the water in the potty green, and he has green footprints on the floor and up the wall!!!"
Where's my gold?
As he checked off on his fingers.  The boy has never uttered anything quite so long before. 

Eva also had similar stories...slightly different.  Her leprechaun typed on the computer and messed with their daily lunch count.

I asked, "Do you really think it is one leprechaun, or more?"

Dylan was convinced their was four
leprechauns because they used teamwork to put the chairs up on the tables. 

First Ward Parade


06 March 2015


Today Dylan was under the weather, so we both called in sick.  This has never happened before.  It is extremely rare for me to be home alone with just my son.  It was delightful and eye-opening.

Eva, my love, and my precocious princess, never stops talking.  I love that that she shares...everything.  Sometimes it is bothersome at her insistence on being the center of attention, but she is five.

Well Dylan had the floor today.  He talked and talked-without interruption or comment.  The boy frequently speaks with a stutter.  There was no stuttering today.  Which shows me....it might just be his way of getting a word in edgewise. 

Here are some slightly out-of-context Dylanisms from our day together.

Me: Dylan, How is your belly feeling?

D: It's okay.  It keeps saying "Feed me again, feed me again, feed me again."

Me: Come on fuego. (Me trying to get a fire started in the fireplace.)

D: You know Mommy.  It just needs time.  Just like the manta electrica.  (Referring to why the electric blanket is not immediately hot when you plug it in).

Me:  I'm tired.

D:  Don't worry Mommy.  We are going to take a nap in a little bit.

But my favorite is when we were reading "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."
The boy cries wolf three times and the villagers run to his rescue to find no wolf.  The next day the wolf appears, and Dylan's response was, "Of course Mommy, he has been calling him."

Love that boy.